Our Initiatives

Del Maguey is dedicated to supporting our producing families and villages. Environmental and social responsibility are the central tenets that anchor our impact philosophy. You can help us reach our goals through individual donations. To ensure contributions are safeguarded we work closely with well-established NGO organizations.

Current initiatives include:

  • Zapotec Talking Dictionary Program – Collaboration with Swarthmore College
  • Apiculture Program – Increased biodiversity through bee pollination
  • Reforestation Program – Planting trees in communities where we work
  • Digital Library Program – Providing computers and USB drives for education

Donate to our health efforts in Oaxaca, Mexico by supporting Growers First, an advocate for farmers in remote areas of the world. They utilize agriculture and education to create traceable transformation in the lives of poor farming families in remote regions. Rural Medical Brigades are traveling medical teams; surgeons, general practitioners, dentists and other specialists. By bringing rural medical brigades into Del Maguey agave growing and mezcal producing regions, it creates access to care opportunities that benefit entire villages.