In May 2023, Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal partnered with the organization Grower´s First, and their volunteer network of physicians and dentists from the organization Yu´u Ba´a. In Sto. Domingo Albarradas, aside from offering medical and dental services, the Grower´s First volunteers were trained in administering vision tests and brought around 500 pairs of reading glasses with different prescriptions to the village.
Del Maguey´s Director of Sustainability, Gabriel Bonfanti, organized and coordinated this effort with Grower´s First. Through hospitality industry fundraisers, Del Maguey donated funds to help bring this health care brigade to the village of Sto. Domingo Albarradas, to kick off this initiative.
Del Maguey, the Morales family, and the brigades were generously granted permission from the local municipal government, and access to municipal buildings.
The family of Espiridion Morales Luis was very gracious, giving the Grower´s First and Yu´u Ba´a teams a place to stay and two amazing meals per day. Imagine yellow corn tortillas as big as a large plate, fresh off the comal, accompanied by three types of delicious black, green, and yellow mole.
Grower´s First, led by founder Dave Day and his right-hand man, Saul Guzman, brought their team up from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where they are based. Their mission in this region primarily supports coffee growers along the Oaxacan and Central American coastal lowlands.
With an inflatable bouncy house for kids and announcements from the central village microphone that the dentists and doctors had arrived, the brigade began, early on a Saturday morning.
The village of Sto. Domingo Albarradas has around 600 citizens. Coming out of the pandemic, it was very clear that for many people, this type of service was very welcome.
Over two days, the dentists saw 110 patients, performing extractions, fillings and general cleanings. Over 110 patients received eyeglasses and in total, more than 1/3 of the village was served.
The municipal president, Del Maguey´s producers, Juan and Armando Morales and their entire family were very grateful and also benefited from the services.
Grower´s First did an outstanding job.
If you would like to donate to our cause there is a link to their fundraising page here where you can donate to future medical and dental brigades in Del Maguey producing villages.